Tank terminal equipment & software solution provider by industrial professional network!!

We know what we are about

Full Dry Disconnect offer with distributor volume pricinn

You didn’t come this far to stop

Top rated by 100+ clients


Nato Standard Dry Disconnect

Wide selection of Dry Disconnect to suit your specific application

You didn’t come this far to stop

Top rated by 100+ clients


Cam & Groove Style Dry Disconnect

“C2C is about providing what tank terminal and chemical logistics operation needs“

API Aluminum & SS Coupler

Things we believe in

1. C2C is a solution provider, not a product seller
2. Do it right, or don't do it at all
3. Experiment more
4. Work & Live passionately
5. Tell the truth
6. Don’t let someone tell you that you can’t do something
7. Take calculated risks
8. Exceed your limits
9. Don’t like something because everybody else does
10. Stay a scientist